Friday, September 9, 2011

The summer is coming to a close.

What's going on? Seriously. Crazy dreams.. followed by innocent people dying. A boy at my school commited suicide yesterday. He hung himself. How sick can people be to bully this poor guy to death. I don't get it. We've had school for 4 days.. and this happend. Insane.
I've had dreams of people dying lately.. and quite frankly, i'm terrified. I'm scared to lose the ones I love. What if something happend? I don't know what i'd do.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

He sits in his cell, and he lays on his bed.

It scares me when you talk like that. It scares me because of what i've already been through. You remind me so much of him when you swear and storm off. I'm scared for what has already happend with someone else, and what could happen again. You know i'm scared of him, and what he did.. Please smile.. I hate seeing you upset. I'm trying not to show emotion, or say anything that could set you off.. I don't want to make you even more upset. I know you're not mad at me, but it still scares me to see you like this. It's no use getting over silly little things that shouldn't matter. They waste your time. Please don't be mad love, it's not worth it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Stay with me untill I fall asleep.

Tired. That's all I feel. Not just physically, but mentally. Just tired of everything that goes on. I shouldn't have to be stressed out at my age, but yet, I am. I really just want to crawl into a hole, and fall asleep. Forever. I'd really rather not go back to school on Tuesday, but I have to. I have to go to school, do my home work, and go to bed like a good girl. :l
It's really annoying having someone wanting you to be the perfect kid. I know i'm not the only one who think's it's a drag having a parent want you to do 'the best you can' in school, when they really mean 'do what I say'. When I try my best, it's never good enough. I always get the "you can do better" speach, or the "I know this isn't your best". How do you know? Are you in my brain? Are you secretly me? No. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be.