Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm like a brand new chick.

Cheat on him? Really? Wow, your just like everyone else. Why must people try to interfear with other peoples' happiness? It's really quite annoying. I thought you were my friend. Apparently not then. You call me your best friend.. but when will you act like mine? You're rude, you're inconsiderate, and quite frankly, i'm pissed off at you. I've helped you through so much, and then you ask me to cheat on him with you. You obviously don't know that i'm head over heals for him. You'll never have a chance with me. I'm not saying that to be rude, or oboxious. I'm saying it because from this point on, i'll never look at you the same way. I only have two words for someone like you. Fuck you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maybe i'm a different breed.

So, nothing to interesting today. Talked to him pretty much all day, but didn't get to see him. That kinda sucked. I only get to see him maybe once a week. But oh well, can't complain. Atleast I get to see him. Just kind of sat around today. Had my sister over for dinner, and tried to convince her to break up with her boyfriend. School starts next week. Great. Having to deal with teachers is just what I want to do for 2 more years. It's almost over. Highschool I mean. I'm almost free. I hate Highschool. It's really no fun at all. Friends are great, but that's about the only part I like.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Come on skinny love, just last the year.

I can't even begin to explain what he means to me. Being with him today.. just made me the happiest person ever. I don't know what i'd do if anything ever happend to him. I worry about him..driving home.. being at work.. because I can't be there if something happens. I wish he was here right now. I love having his arms around me. He makes me feel safe.. He wouldn't let anything happen to me. He tells me he loves me.. and I beleive him. He gives me butterflies when I see his spectacular smile.. and look into his amazing blue eyes. Knowing he's in my life just gives me the extra encouragement to keep living. He helps me live. Without him, I don't know where i'd be. I hate saying goodbye when he has to leave. I want to be with him every second of the day. He'd never hurt me.. and i'll never hurt him. Sometimes I wonder if he regrets meeting me.. but deep down I know he's happy with me, just as i'm happy with him. I hope we'll last forever. I don't know where i'd go if he wasn't here to help me.